David Alexander

Rolling With the Winners at Cure Fitness

If you are active on social media you may have seen the hashtag RWTW, an abbreviation for Roll With The Winners. CURE Fitness in Brickell is the place where the said winners roll. I think ideally I’d like to be able to roll with winners but paying weekly for multiple personal training sessions is not an option for me. Luckily, my favorite group exercise class, Athletic Flex, is offered every Saturday morning at CURE Fitness for a nominal fee.

ImageJust minutes before 10am on Saturday mornings, there is a group of ridiculously fit men and women waiting outside the doors of CURE Fitness with $10 in hand. They are not waiting for some hyped up shoe release, these people are getting ready to enter the best group fitness class Miami has to offer. People wait outside or at neighboring The Juice Spot because the trainers at CURE are always busy with private clients and to walk in would be disruptive to their session. I like to arrive early so that I can stretch, foam roll and make my way to my favorite spot in the front corner by the fan. Not too many people show up as early as I do, I mean this is Miami and no one is on time for anything ever… The trainers at CURE (Alex Cure, David Alexander and Will Cameron) rotate each Saturday morning as the instructor of the class. I have taken class with Alex and Dave and can honestly say that I look forward to these mornings and am sore for days following the workout.


A typical Saturday morning workout with Alex at CURE Fitness

I have known David for years and used to take his class at my old gym prior to him leaving long before I made the wise decision to finally cancel my membership. His class was the only boot-camp style workout that I actually liked. David’s knowledge of fitness is about as large as his love for tattoos (the man has a full sleeve). I was so excited to learn that the class was being resurrected at CURE which is just a few blocks from my apartment. The first time I took the class at CURE I was pleasantly surprised to bump into some of my spin class buddies and my friends who are private clients of David and Alex. Over the past few months it seems as though word has gotten out about the greatness of the Athletic Flex class as its been filling up.

Saturday morning Athletic Flex class has become increasingly full but that has not been a problem. The majority of the people who take the class are cool and respectful of personal space. They align themselves in a way as to not interfere with the person next to them. Whoever the instructor is that day has the class warm-up outside on the sidewalk and then proceed to do an hour of extremely intense training both inside the gym and out. With hip-hop blasting through the speakers, this is a legit full body, heart-pounding, sweat-dripping workout. Classes vary from Saturday to Saturday and each instructor has a different line-up but for the most part the workout consists of weights, sprints, TRX, squats, ab work, stairs, kettlebells, tire jumps, you name it they make us do it! The trainer talks you through the exercises and watches the participants closely so that everyone is performing them correctly- this is huge and is not done often enough. Most group fitness instructors that I have seen take the class they are teaching instead of simply instructing and surveying the room to keep an eye on the participants. People tend to get hurt because they are not doing the exercises properly. How many people do you know that have gotten hurt while working out with a knowledgeable, reputable personal trainer? I do not know any. I do know too many people who have been injured in either a poorly supervised boot camp or kettlebell class. Because I am not financially able to hire a personal trainer, I really wish that this class was offered one evening during the week as well. If you are searching for a personal trainer and want to roll with the winners, look no further. The guys at CURE Fitness will get you into shape and on a meal plan in no time.


Guest instructor, LJ, at Athletic Flex

I have never felt rushed out of the place as was a problem at my old gym. Many people from the Athletic Flex class pop in next door to The Juice Spot for a juice, smoothie or bowl but because it is a Saturday I tend to only buy a B12 shot if needed and then get my sugar intake from a source way worse than the açaí bowl (which by the way is amazing and quite possibly the best in Miami). “Cure Fitness believes conditioning your body takes more than just picking up a weight and moving it. In order to emphasis this theory, we created a concept called Dynamic conditioning that consist of several variables for perfect conditioning. Cure Fitness incorporates the psychology, physical and physiological part of the body to reach results by introducing the 3 P’s of conditioning.”


Rolling With The Winners and trainer Dave

WHAT TO KNOW: Bring $10 cash and a bottle of water. Towels are provided. There is a water cooler but with so many attendees and such a tough workout, the cup supply can sometimes run low. If you live close enough I suggest you run, walk or bike there. If you have to drive make sure you park in the designated spots in the garage and not on the street and especially not in the street in front of a cop (yeah, that happened.).

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CURE Fitness

1800 SW 1st Ave

Miami, FL 33129


Athletic Flex: Saturdays at 10am for $10